From Our Writers
Intervine’s Top 5 Lesser Known National Parks!
How well do you know the US national parks? There are over 400 national park sites in the United States. They span across more than 84 million acres in each state and extend into the territories, including parks in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.
A Beginner's Camping Guide
Summer is here! The smell of fresh cut grass is lingering in the air, your swimsuits are in rotation drying on the line, the bbq is on and the smell of freshly skewered vegetables and chicken take over the backyard. Longer days filled with sunshine and beautiful evenings spent taking walks and eating outside are finally here and THIS is what life is all about.
A Great Way to Get in Those 10,000 Steps
Commune with nature, and get in those 10,000 steps with National Take a Walk in the Park Day this March 30th :)